Embracing Spiritual Practice in Turbulent Times
When the world is in turmoil around us, inner peace can feel out of reach. Sometimes, inner peace can even feel irresponsible or callous in the face of suffering. And yet, we are told by many spiritual traditions that our very beings are a sanctuary and that communion with the Divine presence transcends all fear:
Even as I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me.
– Hebrew Scriptures, Psalm 23:4
By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm.
- The Dhammapada, Chapter 2, Heedfulness
I have told you these things, so that you may have peace in me. In this world, you will encounter troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
– Christian Bible, John 16:33
So, what do I do when the fear keeps getting in?
Here are some thoughts on embracing your spiritual practice to navigate these challenging times.
This blog post is adapted from a reflection shared in our weekly Reiki Self-Practice circle.
Have you ever seen a stream filled with debris? The water flowing through that stream can encounter garbage and become something that isn’t healthy on the other side. Sometimes the flow can even be stopped entirely from blockages.
The same thing can happen within us. We each experience debris in our inner worlds. Places of shame calling out for love. Family cycles that we have not yet broken. Unhealthy coping mechanisms that we have outgrown. Triggers activating thought patterns that catch us in a loop and stop up the flow of Spirit.
Do your personal healing work. As debris rises to the surface, allow it to clear. Bring care, love, wisdom, and healing practices to yourself. Clearing the debris clears the way for Spirit to flow.
Fear is an instinct evolved to help us survive in life-or-death situations. Fear is a primal, urgent call to take immediate action towards survival. Fear is not meant to be an ongoing state of being.
When fear comes in, do a quick assessment. Am I in immediate danger? If not, the signal is not one you need to obey. “Thank you, brain, for signaling me. I’ve done an assessment, and we are safe in this moment.” The more you dismiss messages that aren’t urgent, the more you reinforce to your brain a peaceful state of being.
In times of fear and uncertainty, remember that love is the antidote. Fear activates the primitive brain, contracts the heart, pulls all of our resources toward ourselves to act toward survival. Love activates higher reasoning, opens the heart, allows for Spirit to fill us and flow out of us to others. "Perfect love casts out fear" as the Christian Bible says. By filling ourselves with Love, Spirit, Reiki energy daily, we create an inner sanctuary where fear has no place to dwell.
One thing that you will notice about fear and love is that they are on opposite sides of the vibrational spectrum. Dr. David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph.D.’s “Map of Consciousness” registers Fear at 100 and Love at 500.
Just like an orchestra tuning up at the beginning of a performance, we tend to attune to the vibrations of the environments and people we spend time in.
To raise your vibrational frequency, spend time in environments and with people and beings who radiate love, peace, and joy. Spend time sitting with your back against your favorite tree. Sit by the lake and breathe with the waves. Have tea and laugh with your dear friend. Create a high vibrational sanctuary in your home with crystals, Reiki, prayer, uplifting music, sacred herbs, and high-vibration company.
As we cultivate our own spiritual practice, we become beacons of light for others. Before going out into the world, fill yourself up with Spirit, Reiki, Gratitude so that it is flowing out of you.
When interacting with those who are struggling, triggered, or stuck in lower vibrational patterns, hold steadfast to your higher vibration and bear the light. Your presence alone can uplift and inspire others to find their own inner peace and healing.
As each of us finds a higher vibration of love, we raise the collective vibration of the planet as a whole. We can create a ripple effect of healing and ascendance.
In challenging times, taking compassionate action aligned with our values is crucial. Once we find peace, joy, and enlightenment, we don’t just seal ourselves off from the world in a bubble. Being filled with love and peace compels us to share love and peace with others. We will always still be deeply moved by suffering.
Pick one cause that you are deeply moved by and take action. Spread awareness, vote, direct financial support, volunteer, protest, create art. Find a way to help that resonates with your being and that is grounded in a place of deep love and compassion for the world.
Finally, remember that Spirituality is a practice. Spiritual growth is not a one-time event but a life-long journey. You don’t receive a Reiki session once and all is healed forever. You don’t pray once, or read a sacred text once, or meditate once, or chant once and expect radical change. Just like you don’t exercise once and then expect to run a marathon. Commit to your daily spiritual practice, whatever that may be for you.
Challenges come and go throughout our lives. Take triggers as opportunities to clear more debris to open up the flow of Spirit and the flow of love out to the world.
Amidst the turmoil of our world, Spiritual Practice offers us profound solace, resilience, and a grounding for compassionate action. By embodying love, maintaining a clear channel, and committing to daily practice, we not only transform ourselves but also become agents of healing in our relationships, our communities, and even our world. Embrace your role as a beacon of light and let Spirit flow through you, guiding you through every challenge.
Remember, in every moment, you have the power to choose love over fear. In doing so, you embody the essence of Love itself.