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The New Moon: Manifesting in the Dark


Once each month, there is a night with no moon. 

On that night, the moon and the sun align, in the same sign of the Zodiac.  On that night from Earth we see the dark side of the moon.  Essentially, we see… nothing.

We are used to celebrating the bright full moon.  We gather in circles and at parties to view the spectacle.  We dance in the moonlight.  We celebrate the magic of fullness and cycles complete.

But could the dark night actually hold just as much magic?


In today’s world, we are taught to be afraid of the dark – whether that is the physical darkness of the moonless night, or the metaphorical darkness of the unknown.  We light up our city streets and front porches with so many electric lights that we block out the magic of the stars.  We fear the unknown future.  We do our best to shed light on every corner of the world we don’t understand.  We think, what is lurking out there in the darkness? Like a child in a dark bedroom, we are always seeking to turn on the nightlight.

But, as the new moon rises, it invites us to pause and reconsider. What if the darkness isn’t something to fear? What if it’s the sacred space of potential where everything begins?


Darkness has long been misunderstood. In our culture, we associate it with chaos, danger, and the absence of light. We’ve been told to cling to what’s visible, known, and orderly.  But in doing so, we lose touch with an essential truth: new beginnings start in the dark emptiness.

Think about the origins of life itself. A seed is planted deep in the dark soil, hidden below the ground. A new human forms in the dark warmth of the mother’s womb, out of sight. Stars are born in the black void of space, from swirling clouds of gas and dust. These sacred processes of creation begin in darkness.



In many spiritual traditions, darkness is associated with the divine feminine. It represents the nurturing, mysterious energy of creation itself. The feminine is the womb, the earth, the deep ocean. It’s the space that holds and nurtures potential until it’s ready to emerge into the light.

It’s no wonder that so many creation myths begin in darkness.

Egyptian Creation Myth

In an Egyptian creation myth, the god Atum resided in the dark, chaotic, waters of the unknown.  Atum rises up and creates the spirits of the air and moisture.  These spirits generate the spirits of earth and sky.  And on and on creation continues.

Hebrew Bible

In the Hebrew Bible, the creation myth begins with the familiar words:

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” – Genesis 1:1-3 (NIV)

Out of darkness, light.  Out of the formless, form.

Greek Mythology

In Greek Mythology, in the beginning was Chaos, the formless, void state before creation.  Then arose Gaea (Earth) and Eros (Love).  Gaea first gave birth to Erebus (Darkness) and Nyx (Night).  It was from these originals that the rest of the gods and then the Titans were created.

Again, creation begins with chaos and darkness.


And so too do we continue the work of creation in darkness, chaos, void, mystery.  We often can’t quite grasp where the seeds of newness begin in our lives.  New ideas.  New career paths.  New relationships.  These often take form from the formless and emerge from the unknown of unexpected places. 


So, what stops us from stepping into the dark night?  From holding space for mystery.  For allowing for the unknown?

You already know the answer – fear of chaos. The fear of losing control. The fear of disorder. The fear of harm.  Chaos, after all, doesn’t play by our rules. It breaks apart what we thought was solid and leaves us unsure of the path ahead. Yet, chaos is an essential ingredient in creation.

Consider the Big Bang. It was out of an explosion of unimaginable chaos that our universe came into being. Similarly, in our own lives, it’s often the moments of upheaval that bring about the most profound transformations and forge the deepest relationships. When we allow chaos to dismantle the old, we make space for something new to emerge.

The new moon embodies this energy. The moon was full only two weeks ago.  It has spent the last two weeks waning down to nothing.  And now we reach a moment of stillness after destruction – a pause before rebirth. This monthly symbolic cycle reminds us that the void isn’t the end—it’s the fertile soil where the seeds of our dreams can take root. It is the moment of potential for creation.


Each month, the night with no moon offers us a moment of pure potential. It’s not an empty sky; it’s a cosmic womb, a canvas waiting to be painted. When we allow ourselves to let go of the fear of chaos and instead to sit with its energy, we begin to see the potential in the unknown, in the unformed.

If you want to harness the energy of the new Moon, here are some simple practices to try:

  1. Set Intentions: Take some time to reflect on what you want to create in your life. Write down your intentions. Plant them and then entrust them to the darkness to be held and nurtured until they are ready to emerge.

  2. Cleanse your Space: The new moon marks the beginning of a new month, a new cycle.  Start your month off right by cleaning your space and giving yourself that same blank slate as the sky.  Clear the path for the new to come in.

  3. Do Something Creative: Stoke the fires of the energy of creation in whatever way you enjoy.  Paint, journal, build, craft, color, cook.  Attract that creative energy into your life.

  4. Meditate with the Darkness: Sit in a dark, quiet space, or even your own back patio, and simply be. Focus on your breath and let yourself be still. Notice any resistance that comes up and gently release it.

  5. Journal About the Unknown: Write about your relationship with the unknown. What fears come up? What excites you? How can you reframe the void as a space of possibility?

  6. Rest: The New Moon isn’t a doing energy; it’s a being energy.  Nurture yourself and practice self-care and rest.



The new moon invites us to embrace the beauty of beginnings.  Beginnings which start in the void of nothingness - messy, uncertain, chaotic.   Don’t miss this moment of potential supporting you once each month.  Take the opportunity to reconnect with the intentions you hope to manifest for your life. Gently step into the darkness of your blank slate.

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