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The Autumn Equinox - A Moment of Perfect Balance

The first day of Autumn holds a little bit of magic.  The return of cooler days, cozy sweaters, and Pumpkin Spice.  But perhaps the deeper magic is one that many of us aren’t even aware of, or readily forget.

On the first day of Fall, a magical moment of alignment arrives in the Milky Way.

In Spring & Summer, Earth tilts a little towards the Sun giving us warmer, longer days. In Fall & Winter, Earth tilts a little away from the sun giving us cooler, shorter days.  But on the first day of Spring and the first day of Fall, Earth lines up perfectly with the Sun – no tilt.  And for a short time, day and night become equal.

These are the days we call “equinox”, meaning “equal night”.

What does the Energy of this time hold for you?

How can you align with the Equinox to make magic happen in your own world?


The equinox marks a moment as day and night come into perfect balance. These days mark a sacred pause between – balancing Summer and Winter, light and darkness, life and death, active yang and restful yin.  One moment of balance before we are swept away again into the (almost) never-ending spin of time and change.

As you stand at the threshold, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the balance within your own life. What is feeling well-balanced in this moment? Perhaps you’ve found a greater work-life balance, or a good balance of speaking your mind and holding your tongue.

What is feeling off-kilter in this moment? Maybe you would like a better balance between your inner world and outer obligations, or a better balance between movement and rest. 

The Equinox Energy is here to support you! Just as the Earth balances light and dark, you can ask yourself: What steps can you take to invite more balance into your life?


Finding balance can feel elusive at times, but the autumnal equinox reveals an essential truth about how to achieve it: alignment. How does the Earth bring day and night into perfect harmony? It aligns itself with the Sun. In this alignment, balance naturally follows. There’s no force or struggle; day and night simply come into equilibrium on their own.

In our lives, we often chase balance, adjusting a little more here and a little less there, only to end up spinning in circles, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. But what if instead of constantly tweaking the external, we shifted our focus inward? What are you aligning to?

Are you living in alignment with your core values? Are you syncing with nature’s rhythms, honoring the natural cycles of growth, rest, and renewal? Are you attuned to the movements of Spirit?

When alignment becomes your priority, balance can follow with grace. By anchoring yourself in what truly matters, you allow balance to find you.


The Autumn Equinox is marked on the Wheel of the year as “Mabon”, the celebration of the second harvest.  Historically, families who grew their own food would now know whether they had enough to sustain them through the long winter months.

Most of us nowadays don’t personally grow our own food and store it for winter.  But that doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to root ourselves in the cycles of the Earth.  We can fill ourselves with gratitude for the abundance that Spirit and the Earth provides and for all those who labor to supply us with food.

It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the metaphorical fruits of your labor.  What have you grown in your life? Whether it’s personal growth, relationships flourishing, or creative projects ripening, take a moment to reflect on the intentions you set earlier this year. What’s ready to be harvested? Give yourself credit for the hard work you’ve done in nurturing these aspects of your life. Fill your heart with gratitude for your own harvest and for the people and Energies that supported you in tending it.


With the arrival of autumn, the Earth begins its slow descent into the darker half of the year. Trees shed their leaves, and garden plants die or go dormant, mirroring the natural cycle of life and death. As the light wanes, we are reminded that death is not just an end, but a necessary part of the ongoing cycle of transformation.

Mabon is not just a harvest festival, but also a hero of Welsh Mythology. Mabon was son of Modron, the Earth Mother Goddess.  Mabon and Modron’s story echoes the more familiar Ancient Greek myth of Persephone.  Persephone descends into the underworld for half of each year. Her mother, Demeter, goddess of the harvest, mourns her loss, causing the earth to grow cold and barren. This myth captures the essence of the season: the sorrow of letting go, but also the understanding that death brings new life.

As you observe the changes in nature, ask yourself: What in your life has served its purpose and is ready to be released? Maybe it’s an old belief, a relationship, or a habit that no longer serves you. Just as the trees shed their leaves, allow yourself to let go of anything that’s come to its end, and trust that this release is making room for something new to grow in its place.


Though we typically associate planting with spring, autumn is a deeply potent time for planting seeds as well. These are not the seeds that will sprout quickly, but the ones that will lie dormant, germinating in the dark earth throughout the winter, gathering strength for new growth in the spring. Think of the bulbs and seedpods you plant now—what they need is patience, faith, and time.

Similarly, this is a time for planting intentions that may not bear fruit immediately but will grow beneath the surface of your consciousness. What seeds of growth do you want to plant for your future? These might be long-term goals, dreams, or even subtle shifts in how you live your life. As Macrina Wiederkehr so beautifully says:

“Autumn leads the seasons in modeling the sacred practice of recycling. What seems to die bespeaks a quiet truth: that which falls into the earth is never lost. The earth receives it and preserves it. Thus it becomes a nurturing source for new beginnings as another cycle of growth arises. This miracle of transformation is autumn’s prayer.”

Consider how you can embrace this cycle of death and renewal. What intentions will you plant that can quietly grow over the coming months, gaining strength for the future?


There are many ways to honor the spirit of the Autumnal Equinox. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Clean Your Space: As we prepare to spend more time indoors during the colder months, this is a perfect time to clear out the old. Clean your home, your car, and your garage. But don’t stop there—cleanse your life of anything no longer serving you. Some even use this time for an Ayurvedic fall cleanse to reset the body.

  2. Host a Harvest Meal: Gather with your community and share a meal full of seasonal bounty. Honor the harvest of your own life and give thanks for the abundance you’ve received.

  3. Decorate for Autumn: Bring the colors and symbols of the season into your home. Decorate with pumpkins, apples, dried corn, seed pods, or even leaves you’ve collected during a walk in the woods.

  4. Build a Bonfire: Fire has long been a symbol of transformation and Mabon is often honored with a community bonfire. A bonfire is a perfect way to mark this seasonal transition. As you watch the flames, consider what you’re letting go of and what new energy you want to invite into your life. Consider taking a fallen leaf and a seed pod. Hold the leaf and reflect on what you are ready to release. Release it into the fire. Hold the seed pod and reflect on your intentions for next year. Plant your seed into the fire.

  5. Practice an Apple Ritual: Apples are a powerful symbol of the Autumn Equinox. You could just pick up some apples at your local orchard and enjoy. But you could also consider an apple ritual. Cut an apple in half so you can see the star of seeds inside. Send your intentions for all you want to release onto one half of the apple and bury it. Send your intentions for all you wish to embody onto the other half of the apple and eat it.

The autumnal equinox is a time of reflection, release, and renewal. As we honor the balance between light and dark, life and death, we find ourselves at peace with the ongoing cycles of nature. Embrace this sacred pause and let the energy of the season guide you into a space of gratitude, balance, and transformation.

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